Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Natural Remedies For Digestive Disorders

The health of our digestive system has a big impact on our overall health. According to Gloria Gilbere, N.D., D.A.Hom, PhD., author of Invisible Illnesses, over 70 million Americans suffer from digestive disorders with an estimated $15 billion being spent on costs for medical care.

The Digestive Process

The digestive system is responsible for food intake, digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste.

Digestion begins in the mouth. Digestive juices containing an enzyme called amylase are secreted in both the mouth and the lower intestines when we chew our food. Amylase breaks down starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. This is why it is so important to chew our food thoroughly as this gives the digestive juices time to break down the food before traveling down the esophagus into the stomach.

The stomach contains Hydrochloric acid which is a very strong acid. So strong that if it were found anywhere other than the stomach, which is protected by a thick layer of mucous, it would burn a hole through the area. Along with hydrochloric acid the stomach also contains pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins such as meat, beans, nuts and seeds. From the stomach food passes into the small intestine and is broken down further by pancreatic juice which contains the enzymes trypsin, which breaks down proteins, and lipase, which breaks down fats along with amylase. The gall bladder then secretes a digestive juice called bile which is produced by the liver. Bile assists fat digestion in the small intestine.

Absorption of Nutrients

Absorption is the process in which completely digested nutrients are taken into the circulatory system by passing through capillaries that are found in the walls of the small intestine. These nutrients are necessary in order for the body to function optimally. Once the digested food has passed through the small intestine and the nutrients are absorbed through the lining of the small intestine, the remaining food passes through the large intestine. At this point, the waste is mainly liquid. This liquid passes through the the wall of the large intestine and is absorbed by the body while the remaining waste is eliminated through the colon.

Symptoms of Poor Digestion

  • Indigestion

  • Cramping

  • Bloating

  • Heartburn

  • Bad breath

  • Flatulence

  • Weight loss

  • Wasting

  • Fatigue

  • Pallor

  • Inability to gain muscle mass

  • Nutritional deficiencies

Causes Of Poor Digestion

  1. Eating food too quickly

  2. Eating while under stress

  3. Improper food combining

  4. Drinking fluids with meals

  5. Eating late in the evening

  6. Not getting enough digestive enzymes in the diet

  7. Overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the intestines

Tips To Improve Digestion

  1. Slow down and enjoy your food making sure to chew food thoroughly.

  2. Try not to eat whenever you are stressed as stress interferes with the digestive process.

  3. Be mindful of the foods you combine. It is recommended not to eat carbohydrates with proteins in the same meal. Carbohydrates require an alkaline environment for proper digestion, while proteins require an acid environment. Combining the two can actually neutralize digestive secretions resulting in inadequate digestion.

  4. Only drink small amounts of fluids with meals. Drinking with meals can dilute the acid in the stomach impeding proper digestion.

  5. Avoid eating late in the evening. As the day progresses our body processes, including digestion, begin to slow. It is recommended not to eat past 7 pm.

  6. Increase digestive enzymes by supplementation using a full-spectrum digestive enzyme supplement which breaks down fats, proteins, carbohydrates and sugars.

  7. Eat more raw organic foods. Fruits and vegetables that have been cooked or processed lose vital enzymes. An easy way to add more raw foods to your diet is by juicing or by having fresh salads with meals.

  8. Add raw fermented foods to your diet such as pickled vegetables like sauerkraut and cucumbers as well as cultured dairy products like yogurt and cheese.

  9. Supplementing your diet with a healthy intestinal flora that contains a range of intestinal flora such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum. Ideally this supplement should also contain fructo-oligosaccharides (short- and long-chain), which support the growth of these beneficial organisms to ensure potency.

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Importance of Colon Cleansing Detox

Utmost threat to the human civilization is polluted environment. The challenge extends to maintaining our body basics, which faces continuous threats and creates negative impacts to human health conditions. The major threat is toxin accumulation at colon, as the rectification is next to impossible. Naturally, the colon is our digestive system and carries the body wastes. The old saying prevention is better than cure, still prevails. Medical Science recommends colon detox as a means for cleansing the system against waste elimination, which is rather difficult in nature. For a healthy and full filling experience, cleaning plays a very important role.

The colon related medical issues are on all time high. The notable causes for these issues are, ignoring exercise routine, fast food affinity, less vegetable and fruits intake, high sugar intake, work stress etc. Be it at home or at work, our body is exposed to the environment and its reactions. General day-to-day problems such as constipation may root Diverticula, a type of herniations that extend beyond the colon wall. The colon bags are filled with toxic junks, which in turn get absorbed back into blood vessels. These waste material ills the body and cause major energy deficiency, sickness, weakness and other supplementary diseases.

A non-maintained bowel holds a high volume of toxic elements. This adds up to swelling at lower extremities and unnatural weight gain. A proper cleansing of colon may help in managed weight loss after the toxic elements leaves the body. A systematically managed colon should be treated as one of the high priority requirement of our body. Once the toxins are taken out from the system it doesn't come back to the body. A hygienic colon brings all very positive effect on mind. You can combat depression and always feel energetic. You can experience the life in a better way. Eliminating body waste also helps in minimizing the chances for body aches and joint pains. The toxins generated from the body waste are also responsible for untimely headaches. Colon cleansing a better skin face glow and better look.

Educating ourselves on the colon detox may help us living a healthier life and cope better with the environmental changes that may affect our body. Doctors may help us understanding the pollution level which impact on the liver, kidneys or the colon. For us it would really be a surprise to know what level of waste we're carrying with us. A properly clean colon should stimulate the colon. The detoxification process removes accumulated toxins from the colon. Body hydration is an important process for cleansing which maintains the adequate water level. Apart from that sufficient oxygen for healthy healing and better energy level is essential for colon movement. Some other additional benefits of colon cleansing are clear skin, increased energy levels, improved level of constipation, overall healthful feeling and absorption of vitamins and minerals from food in a better way. So from the above facts we can guess the importance of colon cleansing detox.

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