Sunday, November 23, 2008

Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infection - Secrets the Pharmacies Do Not Want You to Know

Get rid of urinary tract infection and save money! What? That sounds ridiculous! Because...

It pays to be in the medical and pharmaceutical business! Money magazines agree that the medical business is the next monopoly of the 21st century. And this makes sense considering health insurance is at an all-time high. Doctor visit costs have doubled in the last decade. And it is only going to get worse!

And if you are suffering from a urinary tract infection, you could spend hundreds to sometimes thousands after repeated doctor visits and the expensive medication that go along with the infection. But if you don't want to throw your money to the wind, you should consider how you can naturally get rid of urinary tract infection and save hundreds in the process.

Though pharmacists look nice in those white coats, no one should get paid 6 digits to count pills and read you the instructions a computer prints out. Here are 5 secrets the pharmacies do not want you to know about urinary tract infections.

5 Reasons to Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infections Naturally

1. The Miraculous Body! Some body parts have been hailed as reasons to believe in a higher power. And you would be amazed how changes in your diet or lifestyle can alter how your body functions. For instance, by eating a specific diet full of natural acids (mostly citrus fruits); you can get rid of urinary tract infection naturally. The acids create a hostile environment for the E coli bacteria (cause of infection) and kill it. The infection will be gone in 12 hours.

And this only makes sense, because U.T.I.s have been around sense of the beginning of time. And synthetic medications have been around for only the last century. The U.T.I. natural remedy has been documented to kill the E coli infection and cure the problem naturally.

2. Vitamin C is cheap! I couldn't sugar-coat this one! But unfortunately most people are not taking a Vitamin C supplement. That is ridiculous considering how cheap Vitamin C tablets are!

You can naturally boost your immune system to help kill the bacteria causing the infection. Chances are you contracted the infection because of a weakened immune system. You can remedy the problem by taking 2-3 Vitamin C tablets daily.

3. Antibiotics work like Acids! The word 'antibiotics' literally means 'no life'. Antibiotics will work to kill the bacteria cells. So do natural acids! For instance, acids in cranberries are toxic to the E coli bacteria. By knowing how to consume the right acid, you can naturally cure a urinary tract infection by killing the U.T.I. bacteria.

4. E Coli Clings to Urinary Tract Walls- Though you might think, "Why do I need to know this?" You can actually flush the E coli bacteria by knowing that a substance in cranberries will actually cause the E coli to un-cling from the urinary tract walls. The bacteria then will be flushed from the bladder naturally.

5. You Need a Flush! Have you taken your annual body flush? Did you know that natural health doctors recommend an annual body flush to keep impurities, toxins and bacteria at low levels? Our Urinary Tract Remedy Report shows how you can do a simple flush that is used by thousands of health-conscious people.

Cure U.T.I. in 12 Hours!

Guaranteed to Work! Research-based! Medical Doctor-Approved! Our step-by-step Urinary Tract Infection Remedy Report has helped thousands naturally get rid of their infection. If you are interested in a 12 hour cure that uses ingredients you can get at any grocery store, please visit our Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infection Website Today!

A 12 hour-flat guarantee! Joe Barton promises to cure your urinary tract infection in 12 hours flat or the remedy is yours! To learn a simple, step-by-step Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infection Remedy, please visit our Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infection website.

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Detox Patches - Are They A Scam Or Do They Really Work?

The latest health fad is the use of detox patches to clear the body of poisons and toxins. While many people believe these patches work and clear out toxins as they are advertised to do, the science behind the patches is questionable.

For those not familiar with the product, detox patches are basically an absorbent pad with adhesive around the edges that can be stuck to the body. The patches are filled with powdered ingredients such as bamboo vinegar, wood vinegar and mushrooms, which are supposed to draw the toxins out of the body onto the pad. The user puts on a clean white pad on the affected body part, sleeps eight hours with it in place, then removes the pad the next morning to find it filled with a gunky black sludge that is supposed to be the toxins pulled from the body by the pad.

While the pads can be placed in any location on the body, they are most frequently used on the feet. This is in accordance with the study of reflexology which states each organ system in the body corresponds to a zone on the feet. By placing these detox patches on the feet; they are supposed to stimulate these zones, thus causing each organ system to release its toxins.

While I am not an expert on the subject the way these detox patches are supposed to work is highly reminiscent of the foot spa scam of several years ago. People were reportedly going to spas where they would have their feet soaked in a tub of salt water charged with a slight electrical charge. Like the detox patches, this soak was also supposed to pull the toxins out of the body. To most people, the practice seemed to work because the soaking water would turn dark as their feet soaked. As time went by, however, we learned it wasn't actually the toxins at all that made the water dark, some say it was rust coming from the metal electrodes after they were placed in the water, while other think it was some sort of chemical reaction. At any rate, no toxins were actually being pulled from the feet.

Anyone with even a basic knowledge of biology will tell you that poisons and toxins cannot be pulled or drawn through the skin by anything. While some nutrients are passed through the skin via the pores, the skin is generally impermeable to most other substances. It also doesn't make sense that putting a patch on the feet would cause all of the toxins in the body to be pulled to the feet overnight. This goes against the way science has proven that the body works. Even if the detox patches did have some power to pull toxins and poisons out of the body's cells, these toxins would enter the bloodstream where they would be filtered out by the liver and kidneys and excreted as urine.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to detox, remember, nothing quick and easy is worth doing. If you are serious about cleaning your body of toxins, detox patches are not a good choice.

Raylen Sterling is the author of the best selling Master Cleanse Secrets ebook and publisher and the publisher of the Lemonade Diet blog that is a hub of the natural body cleansing and detoxing community.

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