Friday, December 5, 2008

Guide To The Dangers Of Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing enthusiasts believe that ailments such as acne, candida, constipation, brain fog, or heaviness in the stomach are related in some way to your colon. If this is true, how come medical doctors are not exactly excited about the benefits of colon cleansing? In fact, are the dangers more than the remunerations. The colon is our body's waste processing system. It extracts water away from our feces, maintaining our body's water balance as well as vitamin absorption. Colon cleansing has two types, the first is taking a powder or liquid supplement, and the other is colonic hydrotherapy or irrigation.

Colonic irrigation or hydrotherapy is a type of process wherein a rubber tube is inserted into your rectum and flushing your colon with water. The other type of system is to use a colon cleanser. A colon cleanser can either be in liquid or powder form. There will be a program in which you will follow, but the gist is that the colon cleanser is to be taken orally for the duration of the program. According to scientists the dangers of colon cleansing are irrefutable. When you use this procedure, you are interfering with the body's natural cycle. This interference may disrupt the natural relationship of our body with that of the natural bacteria and chemicals present in our colon.

Like mentioned above, colonic irrigation involves inserting a tube up into your unmentionable and flushing the colon with a water or liquid substance. Now the problem is that; how sure are you that the equipments used are properly sterilized? You could end up with an infection if the rubber tubing and other equipments are contaminated. The risk of the colon wall rupturing, and too much water absorption are another dangers worth looking into. When you get colon hydrotherapy there is a chance that you might take up too much water. This can lead to heart failure, water inside your lungs, and chemical imbalance.

Colon cleansers on the other hand are also not such a good idea. Most of these supplements are not FDA approved. You don't know what kind of ingredients they put into those liquid or powdered colon cleansers. They can make declarations which are not backed by hard facts. With all the dangers of colon cleansing mentioned above, the most prominent is the damage it makes on your pockets. Supplements and irrigation or hydrotherapy procedures are very expensive.

Before believing all the media and alternative healing hype you should be responsible enough to familiarize yourself with the dangers of colon cleansing and discuss it with your doctor. Just because it is well advertised and people endorse it does not mean it is necessarily good for you.

Cazza Burke is a full time shopping consultant in San Diego, CA. Check out these great Colon Cleansing Products tips or more specific Top Rated Colon Cleansing Systems and diets advice.

Bowel Diseases
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Do You Know The Impact On You From Your Sitting WC?

Everybody knows that to stay healthy, you need sufficient nutrients to meet your body's needs, fresh air, water, exercises, sunshine, good thoughts. Studies have also concluded that a healthy colon is the key to good health. Given all these, there is still an area missing - the correct way to eliminate.

Like the word 'colon', the water closet (WC) is not a conversational subject to have in a social event and definitely not at the table over meals. Many prefer not to talk about it. But it does has a HUGE impact on us - the most modern and civilized species. The fact that we use it daily, it would not be complete if this is not mention as part of healthy living.

I have read an article by Dr.William on the WC entitled "The Importance of Squatting" (Dr Welles, a chiropractor/nutritionist/ kinesiologist . had studied with and supported the work of the late Dr. Bernard Jensen on colon management) whereby he mentioned how the squatting toilet was evolved to the current sitting WC.

Our forefathers were using the squatting position for elimination long before sitting toilet existed. But how many people know the story of the toilet? What is the impact it has on us - our body and our health - changing from the squatting to sitting position for elimination?

History recorded that the sitting WC was actually designed by a cabinet maker and later improvised upon by a plumber. Both men had no knowledge of human physiology, anatomy and medicine. What is your reaction or response to this?

The chair-like WC was built for the royalties in England. It gained popularity during the Industrial Revolution in the 17th century. It spread very quickly to other "civilized" countries simultaneously with the arrival of plumbing which improved sanitation, provided clean disposal instead of the awkward use of chamber pots and/or the unhygienic way of dumping in the streets. It soon became a symbol of "progress" of western civilization, and "creativity" that Man could "upgrade" Nature and transcend the primitive practices of the natives in the colonies. The "White Man's Burden" typified the condescending Victorian attitude toward other races and cultures.

By 1900s, doctors raised concerns with the increasing number of chronic ailments, especially the colon. Many leading medical authorities then had already questioned the faulty design of sitting toilet and its impact on health and wellbeing.

The sitting position exerts much strain on the rectum and cecum. This leads to hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, prolapse of the pelvic floor, any many other diseases. Dr. Berko Sikirov, an Israelis, has published a clinical research on squatting to cure hemorrhoids. He said that only the genuine squatting position, with the body's full weight on the feet, has the advantage over the conventional sitting position

Dr Welles said, "Uncivilized societies have always squatted. In the natural squatting position the bowel is supported and aligned by the thighs' contact with the abdominal wall and many significant health benefits result." "The design of the modern-day toilet was created with absolute disregard for the anatomy of the human body." Dr Welles was inspired to research into the dynamics of elimination. His findings led him to several discoveries and a solution to our civilized problem.

Elaine Tang has been practicing colema therapy for 7 years. She is inspired and excited to start this business after she saw the value and benefits she got from her colon cleansing experience. She is the owner of Colon Hydrotherapy Guide Blog. In this blog, she provides insights, facts and recommendations about colonic hydrotherapy and colema board.

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